Staff Software Engineer / Software Architect (Core Platform)

Xendit (YC S15)

November 2020 - Present, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tags go nodejs typescript postgresql mongodb redis jenkins rabbitmq docker docker-compose aws software-architecture refactor re-architect present

Staff software engineer on Xendit that focuses on, Developer Platform, Internal Tools, Internal Libraries, Engineering Blog, XenOSS (Open Source at Xendit)

Roles and Responsibility

  • Assisted the Senior Architect to consolidate all the sister companies into one brand of Xendit Group.
  • Led the notification re-architecture to omnichannel notification for better maintenance. Reduce the incoming issues for notification due to a self-serve dashboard. Metric is TBD
  • Led monolith core service decoupling initiative for Invoice and Cashpay team.
  • Led an RFC implementation for the consolidated queue-service library that will help to improve reliability and scalability for all microservices that use the queue/message broker platform in Xendit (e.g, RabbitMQ, SNS + SQS)
  • Aligned the architectures and the roadmap to Xendit North Star Architecture for all teams that I’m responsible for such as:
    • XenShield (Fraud Prevention and Risk Management) for payment.
    • Platform Services (Notifications Service, File Service, Self Serve Dashboard).

Speaker and Community

1. GoSG Singapore, 28 April 2021

In this monthly event, I have a chance to present for Singapore Go meetup. I’m talking about Profiling Golang API, to detect the slow function in our application.

Blog Post

Iman Tumorang
Software Engineer